Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Today, and Every day!

7:00 Wake up, get kids ready for school, get my self ready to take kids to school, feed baby breakfast.

8:20Cue neighbor boy for car pool and insane amounts of emotional drama.
8:38 Neighbor boy exits on account we are going to be late for school, ( which starts at 9;00 and let me state that we only live about 7 blocks from the school)

8:40 leave to drop kids off to school.
9:15 Dr appt. for Gabbi's 15 month check up.
10;00 Arrive in Independence for preschool open house.
11:45 Pick Gunnar up from AM kindergarten
12:00 Lunch Time and Nap time

12:45 I make a meal for my self and sit down to eat and the phone rings, or someone stops by, or the dog runs away, or hannah over flowed the toilet, or lee called and needs me to take him something, or ( you get the idea)

1:30 switch the laundry
2:00 Run dish water and try to decide what to make for dinner.
2:30 Hey lets have a play date. My house or yours? Lol ( I actually really love those days)
3:20 Oh crap I forgot I have to go pick up Emma at school. Its been really fun we should do it again. Hannah! Find your shoes we have to go....

4:00 Arrive home and switch the laundry.
4:15 "Mom I don't know how to do my homework?"
4:30 wash the silverwear that has been soaking for most of the day.

5:00 Start dinner
5:30 Call lee, "Honey where r u?" " When will you be home?"
6:00 Eat.!!!!!!!( if you didn't catch on before, my lunch is still sitting on the counter untouched from before due to ("insert any form of time consuming catastrophe that you find amusing")
6:01 Really it takes a few more minutes for the kids to finish up, but not much.
6:02 Kids out to play with the neighbor boys, so I am able to clean up the kitchen.

7:15 "Honey where r the kids?"
7:30 baths, jammies,bed time!!!!!!
8:00 Start or finish a sewing project. Oh man I forgot to switch the laundry again.
9:15 Off to the bed room to relax and watch a movie.

10:00 "Hey hon, you wanna "Snuggle"?" and as you can tell from the quotation marks I don;t really mean "snuggle" if you get my drift. (And I don't really think I should write this on the internet, but for now I find it somewhat entertaining)

There are a few minor adjustment that could be made to my daily routine. Things like actually finishing and folding the laundry, or perhaps going to the grocery store, (but these days I find is less like a chore due to the wonderful play land where I drop my kids off for two hours), post office, or many many different types of health care appointments, planning parties or get togethers for friends, church callings, Not to mention all of the small craft project or sewing I like to squeeze in every once in awhile :) This is not a post to complain or whine about my day to day routine, but just so you know how I was able to drop the baby weight, and why I don't blog, or why I am ok with my house not looking spotless, and sometimes even letting my kids leave the house not wearing shoes.

I yell at my kids, they get spanks and time outs, My dog is not house trained, ( and if any one is interested she is yours) ( not kidding) I am not good at keeping up on folding laundry, or dishes, my bedding only gets washed every 1-2 months unless we have some massive body explosion from one of the 4 monstrosities I call my kids, bathrooms, well i buy the really expensive clorox toilet bowl tablets," they r worth every penny" and mopping and sweeping is done when somebody has a bad attitude and needs it readjusted, or when Hannah finds the wipes and gets an itch to "Help"
I am not perfect! But am amazed that once in a blue moon have the appearance of such. I enjoy my life and I love my kids. My husband makes me happy, ( even after he plays ball and decides to wipe his dripping sweaty face all over mine) I do not want to try and be someone I am not. I don't want to make decisions based on the "Image" of someone I see. This is me in all my "imperfect glory". I hope you can all revel in yours.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Strong Boy

Stuff I have made

This is a reminder to myself that even though a month and a half is missing out of my life, I still have a little to show for it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gabbi Turns 1

And mom turns 28 but who really cares when its your babies first birthday? Her favorite gift by far was the nesting cups we got at IKEA. This is the Birthday outfit I made for Gabbi to wear on her special day. ( we wore it the day after too) but shhhh don't tell anyone :) Since Gabbi was born on Cinco De Mayo we had a big combination mexican fiesta. Lots of mexican food, lots of friends, and thanks to Pandora Radio lots of Mexican tunes. It was alot of fun considering dad had a test to study for and take the next day.

Gabbi has grown and changed in her personality so much over the past year. It is crazy to look back at pictures of when we first moved and see that she really was still a new born at the time. She is the easiest baby in the world. I am so grateful to have her in my life.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I am still alive!

Why is it that when you get older time seems to move faster and faster? My life has been such a whirl wind of activity since May. For a rough over view we have had a first birthday (Gabbi) ,
( and mine as well but no one seems to remember after you have a baby the day after ) We have had T-ball and softball, and T-ball and softball and T-ball, and so on and so on, As well as a whole lot of crafting and sewing,. I will have a huge lot of photos to post soon, Also I feel like we have traveled across the entire United States and back, but in reality we made it as far as the midwest and back across to NY. Seen alot of family and some really cool sites. And we still have a month left before school starts ( for the kids ) Only a Month? See what I mean about time flying by! My Best friend Tiffany aka. The tiny seamstress has also been busy. I have been a bad friend lately and I haven't left her a comment in ages. SO to try and make it up to her I thought I would mention to all of you that she is doing a really cute easy tutorial and give away on her blog .. The fabric is "Bliss" which will not even be available until October. Everyone go enter to win. And then come check out my soon to post photos of our summer vacation. Ciao`