Tuesday, March 16, 2010

28 Reasons Why I Love Tiffany!

Today is my very best friend Tiffany's Birthday. In honor of her day I am listing the "28" reasons why she is the greatest BFF!

1. She will let me stop and get a Pepsi at a gas station (cause its my fave) even though she hates it.
2. She will sew all the Velcro and snaps onto my projects for me because she knows I don't like to do it.
3. She will write my cards for me, because her hand writing is cuter than mine.
4. She tells me I am a good mom even though I am yelling at my kids.
5. She is fabulous at making brownies, mine are terrible.
6. She is really good at seeing something she likes and then making it into something her own
7. She doesn't need a pattern to sew ANYTHING!
8. She lets me mother her and tell her how to do things even though secretly she already knows.
9. She may be short in stature but she knows how to command a room of presiding priesthood authority. :)
10. I can move all the way across the USA and she will not let me feel like I am being replaced
11. We love all the same T.V. shows
12. We can send 3500 plus texts a month about absolutely nothing
13. She thinks she has no patience, but that girl puts up with a lot more drama (having a house full of boys) than I would!
14. You get a lot of attention when you go out into public with her
15. She always apologizes for things even if they are your fault
16. She is taking me to quilt market in Minneapolis this May.
17. When we get together late at night she isn't afraid to act like we are still in high school.
(and it will probably still be that way when we are 60)
18. She is a great leader in the church. ( that is why they keep calling her)
19. She has the best hand me downs, or hand me ups. ( ha ha ha)
20. She puts up with my occasional short joke, even if they aren't very good.
21. We can video chat for hours and it only feels like minutes
22. She gives amazing support to anyone she is around even if she is miserable
23. She will come over and help fold my mounds of laundry just so we can hang out together
24. I will blow my entire monthly allowance in one trip, but she knows how to hold back and buy something only when she really really wants it.
25. She tried out for American Idol, totally cool
26. Looks super cute in flats, but will never buy them because she thinks they make her look short :)
27. Her favorite way to win an argument is " well my dad says"
28. And just for fun if a few of you didn't realize yes today is St. Patrick's Day and yes Tiffany is only 4 ft 8 in tall.
Disclaimer: ( Beware being friends has its privileges, while I may poke fun here and again, It will not be tolerated from any other person.) :) Tiffany you are such a great friend. You are as dear to me as any sister. You mean more to me than you realize. I hope our mansions in heaven are right next door at the end of a cult a sac. I love that we are completely opposite and come from ridiculously different backgrounds but ended up together. I love that we can finish each others sentences, and know each others deepest darkest secrets. I love that we might not talk for a few days but we can pick up in almost the exact same place and not feel awkward. I love that this sounds like a love letter to a boyfriend yet I can still write it about you. LOL I hope you have a great birthday. Thanks for being my best friend. I love you.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring Break

This is going to be my lazy spring break post.( I could go into a-lot more detail on how the weather was not as warm as we were expecting, or how we got lost trying to find Gator land, or how the hotel carpet smelled like old lady feet, or how my dad was shamelessly cheap, or how people in Orlando do not believe in car maintenance, because we couldn't find a lube shop any where so we had to go to Wal-mart (sorry Jeff), or how we were run off a plantation in Georgia, or that it took us three days to drive 14 hours home) Not much happened, just drove down to Florida, stayed for 5 days, went to Disney World, went to the beach, saw my dad (first time in over 8 years) took our time driving home. Kids had a blast. All in all a successful fun family vacation. Here are some pictures to tell the tales. I tried to keep them in chronological order as much as possible .